Welcome to

Livingston First Assembly

Reach. Teach. Empower. Serve.


    We are a church that is open to everyone no matter their background, economic standing, or ethnicity. We believe that God is calling us to be a church that ministers to the needs of the whole family. Whether you are a new believer or a seasoned believer, we have a place for you. From the cradle to the senior citizen, we endeavor to bring a message that will meet you in whatever season of life you are in. Our goal is to reach the lost for Jesus, disciple the believer, and change our culture through biblical truths.


    To be a Christ centered community helping people faithfully follow Jesus both locally and globally.



    • We exist as a body of believers devoted to bringing hope to those who are hopeless through the good news that Jesus Christ is Lord of all. 

    • We are to teach and train believers to boldly profess Jesus Christ to a lost world.

    • We are to witness of His love and compassion to all we come into contact with.

    • We are to change the heart of the unbeliever to accept His saving grace and challenge the heart of the believer to become all He has ordained for them to be.

    • We are to constantly remind men, women, boys and girls of all walks of life that just as Jesus has a place for them in His kingdom, we at First Assembly of God have a place for them as well!


    “We Have a Place for You!” at Livingston First Assembly of God 


    1. The Scriptures are inspired by God and declare His design and plan for mankind.

    2. There is Only One True God revealed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

    3. In the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ as God’s son; Jesus was both human and divine. 

    4. Man willingly fell into sin ushering evil and death, both physical and spiritual, into the world.

    5. Every person can have restored fellowship with God through 'salvation' by accepting Christ's offer of forgiveness for sin

    6. In two ordinances - (1) Water Baptism by immersion (2) Holy Communion.

    7. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a special experience following Salvation that empowers believers for witnessing and effective service, just as it did in New Testament times.

    8. The initial physical evidence of the baptism in the holy spirit is 'speaking in tongues', this experience was evidenced on the day of pentecost and referenced throughout acts and the epistles. we believe everyone from the apostles until now who has been baptized in the holy spirit has spoken in tongues immediately.

    9. Sanctification initially occurs at Salvation. At conversion, a person is made completely holy through the power of the blood, but a progressive lifelong process of separating from evil is also necessary.

    10. The Church has a Mission to seek and save all who are lost in sin. We believe 'the Church' is the Body of Christ and consists of the people who, throughout time, have accepted God's offer of redemption through the sacrificial death of His son Jesus Christ.

    11. A Divinely Called and Scripturally Ordained leadership ministry serves the church. The Bible teaches that each of us under leadership must commit ourselves to reach others for Christ, to worship Him with other believers, and to build up or edify the body of believers - the Church.

    12. Diving healing of the sick is a privilege for Christians today. Healing is provided for in Christ's atonement.

    13. In the imminent return of Jesus. At this future moment in time, all believe who have died will rise from their graves and will meet the Lord in the air, and Christians who are alive will be caught up with them, to be with the Lord forever.

    14. In the Millennial Reign of Christ. This is a time when Jesus returns with His saints at His second coming and begins His benevolent rule over earth for one thousand years. this millennial reign will bring the salvation of national Israel and the establishment of universal peace.

    15.  A Final Judgement will take place. This judgment will be for those who have rejected Christ. They will be judged for their sin and consigned to eternal punishment in the lake of fire.

    16. In a New Heaven and a New Earth. This is a place that Christ has prepared for all people, of all time, who have accepted Him. We will live and dwell with Him there forever following His millennial reign on Earth. "And so shall we forever be with the Lord!"


    Each weekend at LFA Church, you’ll find a relaxed and friendly atmosphere with exciting, incredible worship experience. 

    LFA Coffee Shop is open from 9:00 - 10:20AM and is located outside the main doors to your right.

    Sunday school classes for ALL ages, start at 9:30AM.

    Kids' Church (K5 - 5th grade) meet at 10:30AM in the educational building where they will learn to defend their faith by the Word of God. 

    Our nursery staff provided a loving, nourishing environment for ages 6 weeks to 3 years old.

    Any questions can be answered via firstag@livingston.net, Facebook, or the Welcome Desk at service time.


    If you are visiting for the first time, we will not embarrass you or have you stand up. We know that many people want to check out the church and “be anonymous” for a while and that’s fine with us! Come in, enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, and see if this is the church for you.

    We also have a gift for all first time visitors at our welcome desk. So make sure you stop by and say hi, if you would like.


    You’ll find everything from casual clothes to business suits at our Weekend Services. Come in what is comfortable for you, because LFA Church  is not about what you look like or what you wear.


    We offer Kids' Church for children 6 weeks through 5th grade. All staff have completed training and background checks to ensure your child's safety. Our nurseries are clean, safe, and staffed with loving church family members.


    Sunday Mornings, 6th - 12th grade join us for Worship Experience.

    Wednesday Nights: youth meet across the lawn in the youth building for age-appropriate worship, teach, fun, games and pizza!



Pastor Chris and Tina Borden, have been at First Assembly of God since April 10, 1994. They have been in ministry  since 1987 and have served in various positions of pastoral ministry during that time. Married in 1978, they now have two adult sons who are involved in ministry positions in their own congregations. Chris and Tina have a passion to reach the lost by training believers to be Disciples of Christ impacting the world in which they exist.

Along with the excitement of what God is doing in their ministry, Chris and Tina love being grandparents to their four grandbabies.

Our team is here to help you with any questions or concerns.

Reach out through email or say hello at one of our services.



LFA is a diverse church with many nationalities, cultures and people from all walks of life. The many ministries that we have are designed to accommodate and affect each individual, our church and our community. They're here with the specific goal of moving us to a closer walk with God and being more kingdom-minded. 

See what's happening!


Options for Cheerful Giving

We have several different options for you to choose from that make giving your tithe and/or offering easy, safe, and secure. You can opt to mail a check, give online, through smart giving via text messaging on your mobile device, or during one of our services.

Your giving allows us to help many people experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus. We are grateful for what you give and hope that the ease of online giving will be helpful to you.



The Bible teaches us that we worship the Lord with our tithe, which is ten percent of what we earn and then goes back to the church on a regular basis. 


When we feel called to give over and above our tithe, we do so as an offering. Remember to designate how you would like to your funds distributed.


If you prefer, you can give in-person during our Wednesday and Sunday services. 

Begin by filling out an envelope and then placing it in one of the offering receptacles. Please use an envelope even when giving by cash or check.

GIVE ONLINE via Secure Link

We use an online innovative platform that provides the tools for you to give your tithes & offering with peace of mind that your information is secure.

Remember to designate how you would like to your funds distributed.



You can text your tithes & offerings!

  1. Text the number 936-226-2282 (NEW NUMBER as of 08/14/23) 
  2. Include the amount and designation (example "50 offering.")

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

2 Corinthians 9:7-8 NIV

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